Manta 32LHA48L TP.MS338E.PB803 32LHA48LV1K4TCCD09593 подходит на платформы TP.MS338E.PB803, если перевернут екран, мо менять в инженерном меню (menu 1147, source 1385) у кого как флешка в fat32, распаковать в корень, подключить в ТВ, вкл в розетку. Если прошивка не началась то пробовать переименовать в allupgrade_msd338_4G_sos.bin или allupgrade_msd338_4G_1G_sos.bin
MANTA 32LHA48L Software USB 32LHA48LV1K4TCCD09593 1. prepare a blank flash drive formatted in FAT32. I personally made it to FAT by default 2. unpack the files and then copy them to a flash drive to the root directory. 3. disconnect the TV from the mains (remove the plug from the socket and wait until the LED goes out). 4. connect the flash drive to the TV. 5. connect the plug to the socket. Wait, the update will start automatically. The update progress window will appear on the TV screen. 6. when it reaches 100%, you can remove the USB flash drive and turn off the TV from the network. 7.After booting up, reconfigure the TV.