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Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 01.02.2025, 12:59:27

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Philips GC8641 Шасси (Main Board): florida control board v3

Паровая станция Philips

фото 1 , фото 2 , фото 3 , фото 4 , фото 5
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Раздел: Прочие
Категория: Прочее
Добавил: kir315
Список микросхем в архиве: pic16f1936
CPU/MCU: pic16f1936
Источник прошивки: Проверена лично перепрошивкой
Могут скачать: Все Участники
Размер файла: 0.01Mb
Прошивка добавлена: 04.04.2019 в 11:55:26
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Всего комментариев: 6
#1   (26.04.2020 12:59:22) [Материал]
If anyone is interested, I have more information. I have disassembled the logic and have added lots of comments in an attempt to understand what it is doing. I have some partial schematics of the control board that I have traced-out (mainly to identify the I/O). Unfortunately, the logic has been written in a higher-level language, and was obviously structured very horribly to begin with. I am not sure I will pursue this problem (the problem is that the pump will not run even though the PCB circuitry seems to be working).

#2   (04.05.2020 13:31:38) [Материал]
Hi! I have some problem as you posted here. In my PCB, pump semistor was be broken, after replacement, pump would't start on power on( EEPROM clearing need?)

#3   (05.05.2020 19:42:49) [Материал]
Hello , I'm starting in this profession, I have 5 volts that appear from the capacitor and the resistance, but I don't understand how the 45 volts appear, you can explain to me, how this 45 voltage appears, thanks

#4   (05.05.2020 19:43:52) [Материал]
Hello good, I'm starting in this profession, you can have the 5 volts that appear from the capacitor and the resistance, I don't understand how the 45 volts appear, you can explain to me, how this 45 volt voltage appears vopros

#5   (28.02.2022 21:09:03) [Материал]
45 Вольт получается путем выпрямления сетевого напряжения с делителя на резисторах.

#6   (28.02.2022 21:14:51) [Материал]
Диод на обратной стороне в районе слова "control".

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