Аппарат после другого сервиса, еммс паяная, индикатор светит красным и ни на что не реагирует. В логе 3 строки bist0-ok, bist1-ok, auth fail Прошил отсюда: https://remont-aud.net/dump....-104121 Лог стал таким
_U Relocation Offset is: 01200000 [AT][MB][start ub][470]
DRAM_SIZE1=512 MB DRAM_SIZE2=512 MB DRAM_SIZE3= MB msIR_Initialize [SYS][Utopia]: [35mFunction = SYSOpen, Line = 815, current resource pri_shm content is: 0[m [SYS][Utopia]: [35mFunction = SYSOpen, Line = 834, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...[m create instance at 294EAA38 with private size 108 bytes at 294EAA80 [MIU][Utopia]: [MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 294EAAF0 with private size 80 bytes at 294EAB38 create instance at 294EAB90 with private size 48 bytes at 294EABD8
uboot held at [292DDF60~2AC00000],size=019220A0 CPU : Messi Board: BD_MST091B_10ASXG_15281_MESSI DRAM: 172 MiB Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 29D00000