SUPRA STV-LC2204WD Main Board-JUG7.820.510-2 CPU-MST718BE-LF Flash -W25X40 Eeprom -24C32 Panel - M220Z1-L03 Rev.C1 Tuner-TAF6-C2I21VH Считана с рабочего аппарата.
If you need for experiment here is NAND dump from T42FX275DLBPOS-T2 17MB97 mb (cpu is dead) read with ProMan programmer, verify read passed, so nand chip is OK. Tried to put on other good 17MB97 mainboard (32'') but only red stby led flashing so probably problem is with wrong settings inside cpu,serial number etc.
Flash spi U82 25L1606E and NAND U80 29F2G08ABAEA dumps from working 17MB97 board (T32TX287DLBPOSX-T2) Nand dump probably will NOT work on other TV mainboard because of serial number inside CPU and NAND but you can try and experiment. Mainboard photo is with removed chips, only for reference.