Мои познания в ремонте данного вида техники: Занимаюсь ремонтом Наличие схемы: NO Hi all guys, I have a big problem with the ICEPOWER ICE500A MK2 digital amplifier. The module is mounted in an RCF TT25 and the problem is that the Standby light remains on, I tried to change the module with another ICE500A always working from the customer and everything works fine. On the broken one I found 2 Mosfet 75639P in short, before changing them I disassembled all the 4 mosfets and the 2 PWMs (which would have to be changed in my opinion) HIP2100 but the strange thing is that if I connect it with these disassembled parts, the light however, standby remains on. This makes me understand that there is more damaged but I can't figure out what! I checked if there are square waves at the inputs of the 2 PWM 2100s but in fact I have no signal! A very strange thing I noticed is that AGND and PGND are not in communication, so some leads will be skipped somewhere but I can't find which one. I made a bridge connecting the 2 masses but the situation does not change !! What could it be in your opinion?
The circuit mounts 1-LM339 1-LM319 2-MC33079 1-MC33078 which I tried to change all but the situation does not change !!!