Мои познания в ремонте данного вида техники: Любитель (делаю только для себя) Наличие схемы: Something downloaded from google Hello! I do not speak russian,but I found this forum looking for help. I hope you can understand or translate english. Panel: LG 42V5 Ysus: 6871QYH027A PSU: PLD-421 I received this plasma monitor as gift,broken not working,only stby lamp. Investigated and found burned fuse in ZSUS board 6871QZH030A. Found short in MOSFETs in IPM module. Desoldered module and discovered white silicone with broken SMD mosfets. My friend gave me YPPD-J001A module as replacement, I installed it on ZSUS board and started tv. Picture ok for start,tested Vs,Va and 5V ( 5,14 V) all ok. A little bit of green pixels all over picture. After about 15-20 minutes working I hear BANG,and TV goes in STBY. Tried starting,starts but no picture ( I can see some parts of picture but no light ). Investgated and found AGAIN exploded MOSFETS in YPPD-J001A. I did not test 15V coming from YSUS,I don't know if I can test now without ZSUS board. I want to order replacement ZSUS board 6871QZH030B but I am afraid if I install board it will explode again. The monitor has only 556 hours working,practically new so I would like to repair it. Can you advise me what to check before installing new ZSUS board?